Who We Are
Our Vision
- Empowered: Young People have the confidence independently voice what they want and think, and make decisions for World Heritage and other young people.
- Active: Regularly volunteer for purposes of learning, personal development, fun and the management of World Heritage.
- Participative: give their time and participate in activities that support the advancement of World Heritage.
- Influential: Have their voice listened to and acted upon for the benefit of World Heritage and other young people.
- Supported: Adults in the heritage sector are trained and able to use the techniques of the youth work principals to engage young people appropriately.


Ashleigh Taylor MA, AMA
Program Director – Director of Development
Ashleigh, a self-proclaimed heritage geek, has a passion for heritage and supporting young people to achieve the best they can. From a heritage and museums background, Ashleigh has been involved in running volunteering, learning and engagement in World Heritage for over 8 years and created WHYAMS 5 years ago. Ashleigh has 2 springer spaniels – K9 Ambassadors – that come with her everywhere! She is also an avid sailor and goes out on her boat whenever the sun is shining.
“My favourite part of the WHYAMS is seeing young people a few years after they leave. I see them doing so so well, be that living independently, getting a job or going to uni, and knowing that we helped them along the way is my inspiration”.
Danial Oliver
Youth Hwb Manager – CEO
Dan has been involved with WHYAMS since its very beginning, developing the project, and now continues to support in his new role as CEO. Being from a youth background, Dan brings the youth work expertise, although has now got so much heritage knowledge, he doesn’t know what to do with it! Dan has 3 K9 Spaniel ambassadors and loves motor biking in his spare time – he sometimes even manages to stay on the bike! He is also a previous pop star (yes really!) so brings musical expertise whenever we need it!
Hannah Lewis
Senior Youth Worker
Hannah, our senior youth worker, has worked with the WHYAMS for several years, and always bring energy and joy to all her work when she supports the Blaenavon group. She has been a youth worker for over 11 years and working in Blaenavon for over 5 years, knows everyone! Hannah loves music and is a keen guitar player. She also loves biking and gets out whenever she can.

Whyams Apprentices
Seren Gunningham
Seren, a WYAMS apprentice, started last October. She has a great love for World Heritage and working with young people. She always has young people at heart and believes they should be listened to within their communities, World Heritage and their lives in general. From a young age, her birthday celebrations were to visit Blaenavon’s Big Pit Museum to go on the underground tour of the mine and explore the museum. She also has a great love of Blaenavon’s Heritage Railway and the important part it played in 18th and 19th Century.
“My favourite part of WHYAMS is being able to empower young people to have the confidence to voice their opinions and views in World Heritage and their own lives. Young people are the future!”
Chloe Gill
Chloe is an apprentice for the World Heritage Youth Ambassadors. She loves working and engaging with young people. She is very inspirational with her work and never gives up on what she believes in. Chloe loves listening to music and in her spare time she enjoys spending time with family and friends.

The Hwb Torfaen is a registered Charity (number 1175585) and is rooted in local community values. The charity aims to improve the lives of community members and young people by providing services, activities and venues that meet the needs and aspirations of the communities in which it operates. It works to support the most vulnerable in communities and tackles barriers people face to becoming happy and healthy and connected. The charity has two physical buildings in Gwent, and WHYAMS operates out the Blaenavon centre – The Hwb Blaenavon.
- Mark Price – Chair – Business Owner (Nursery). Expertise in Business and Community
- Dave Williams – Vice Chair – Head of Torfaen Youth Service
- Gareth Brenton – Treasurer – Teacher, Trustee of other Cultural Organisation
- Lynsey Evans – Trustee – CEO of Sgiliau and Training Provider
The organisation is operationally managed by a CEO, a director of development, several youth workers, alongside trainees, apprentices and more. It also has a youth board, that ensures young people are at the centre of all decisions and processes.

The charity has a wide range of policies to support our work, reduce our impact on the environment, and protect our young people and staff. Please click on the links to view our policies and contact us if you require other or additional information.